About Us at MagicVaporizers

The idea that is now MagicVaporizers originated on a skiing vacation in northern Sweden in 2012, when I (Peter) and Sam were introduced to a revolutionary way of consuming herbs by an American at an after-ski party - vaporizing. Soon thereafter we realized that this was the future and that once people experienced what we did they would be just as enthusiastic as us.

After establishing the company and thoroughly testing hundreds of vapes we felt confident we were ready to start offering what we believed were the best vaporizers for the lowest prices in mid-2013 with our original Swedish shop - vaporizers.se.

The shop was an instant success and we literally sold out our initial stock before we could receive our second order from the manufacturers. To our surprise not only did we get orders from Sweden, but also from our neighbouring countries which lead us to believe that we needed to think bigger than just Sweden.

In the fall of 2013, and after a lot of "product testing", we came up with the brand that is now established as the largest seller of vaporizers throughout Europe - MagicVaporizers. Initially, we launched our shops in seven more countries; the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Finland, and Denmark.

The interest in vapes, as well as the addition of more quality vape brands, really took off starting in 2014 and our bet on adding more countries became a huge success. Since then we have added 14 more European countries with localized shops and are always focusing on growing our brand to get more people to experience the magic of vaporization.

Even though we have grown to where we are now, we still keep to our core values of serving customers with quality vapes for low prices and being available to answer any questions from customers who need help before and after purchase.

How do we keep our prices so low?

  • We buy direct from manufacturers and we bargain hard to get the best price, and then pass the savings on to you.
  • We buy in large volumes and contract early to get the best prices.
  • We keep our costs low—because every cent we save is a cent you save.

It's not complicated. We just focus on what matters - great vapes + good prices = Value.

Peter & Sam
Founders and owners of MagicVaporizers

Where are you located?

Our main office is in Stockholm, Sweden and our warehouse is located in the middle of Germany (Apolda) for quickest shipping throughout Europe.